Make An option for rounding up cents on price so you can make an item for 8.78 changed to 8.99 Profit Calculator That Multiplies The Actual Cost Of An Item By 2 or 3 so you have the profit added in the listing when it imports into shopify. You have the option to add more then one item through url, but you cant edit that item until it gets to shopify. when you have 500 items its harder to do the edits after you import because of the filters in shopify, if you make the ability to adjust the title, price, pictures, tags and description on your app, then you can also make a bulk edit for products that are alike to one another making the import process 5 times faster being able to handle it as you choose items. A button to press on aliexpress that imports the item to your apps imported products page if you were to add the above suggestions. make a search bar for your product discovery page. Its great to be able to see what other have imported, but would be a lot better if you could search those imports for niche related products. Product Image Background Remover For The Products First Image - Not many apps have this but having a white background on your first product is key to having an aesthetically pleasing store, if you could integrate the source code from one of the apps that do it automatically online, and have the process as a optional button, I would probably marry this app. AliExpress shop owners love writing misspelled and grammatically incorrect words on every photo, which brings your shops value down if you dont fix it. nobody wants to purchase from a store that doesnt "no howe 2 spElL sIMPLE wurds". You would be saving your subscribers time which is money. Post the imported product to social media with a generic post phrase or to IG, either once a day in bulk or one at a time. Thats a whole app I have to pay for that does the posting . If you could offer the option to have it post upon import, you could not only charge more, you would be advertising for your subscribers, and some of them dont know to post their new products or even build a social media so you would be helping small business owners climb the latter to success that much faster. hope this helps let me know if you need anything else. Nick - 413 537 0058,